Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Dalene qualifies

On Monday we found out that Dalene has officially qualified - she may officially now use the title Dr. de Beer (not Kroon, she kept her surname). And, of course, I am real proud of her. Except that she wants me to the graduation. *sigh*

Am I not the picture of a dutiful husband (*martyr*).

Otherwise, the wind has been blowing something awful here in Stellenbosch, denoting the real start of the warm months. The whistling sound in the window casements is quite disturbing when one tries to sleep. This is probably because I'm not used to it, since I was used to sleeping on the other side of the house the last time the wind was doing this.

Cool web resource for finding popular news stories in a number of categories, as voted by the users, is digg.com . Since the site seems to be mostly frequented by techies and geeks, you're likely to find stuff more suited to you if you have that kind of mindset.

Today, Dalene is giving a presentation on her work at some farmer's conference. Since it's in Afrikaans, she's a bit stressed - lots of terms had to be translated, since her presentations are usually in English.


Blogger Tristen said...

So you have a blog...welcome.

10/27/2006 07:20:00 AM  
Blogger Tristen said...

PS. turn on word identification on the comments or you will get some kiddy porn spam comments

10/27/2006 07:21:00 AM  
Blogger Steve said...

Thanks for the welcome. Now hopefully it doesn't die a death by lack of time for posting. We'll have to see, I guess.

10/27/2006 08:26:00 AM  

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