Throwing it all away
This post is about last night's Go.
I arrived at Go last night with Adrian, and ended up chatting to Alex, who we bumped into there about our cell group's dynamics, and if/how he fits in there, and what he should do in the coming weeks. During the discussion, Konrad arrived. Our discussion went on a while longer, and Konrad took over the game I was going to play against Adrian. Alex went off to watch a movie, while I watched Konrad beating Adrian. But they were playing sudden-death, and Konrad's time was low, so in the last few moves of the game, Konrad's clock dropped while he had a comfortable lead on the board.
I took him on next, with 2 stones. I overattacked from the very beginning, playing tenuki too early in the first joseki of the game. He countered by setting my group drifting, and I tried to convert my flight into a counterattack. Didn't work out too well, but eventually a large ko formed, giving me a chance. It turns out he had a way to get a good result despite the ko, but his greed for an extra 10 points cost him. I got a good result in the third corner after he ignored a ko threat, resulting in me getting a large wall with some of his stones isolated against it. However, I tried to pincer the stones from too close, and he entered the last corner with an attachment on my handicap stone. Eventually, I had captured his isolated stones against my wall, but on a small scale. However, that was enough to give me the game. After that, 4-5 stupid mistakes in 20 moves, and he captured some of the stones surrounding his originally isolated stones for not much compensation at all. There was no way it should have happened that way, but it cost me the game - a harsh lesson, as I went down by 17.5.
Next I took on Rory, giving him 3 stones. I missed a chance to capture a huge corner and get off to a really good start, instead ending with a low position on one side, and stones which would later be subject to attack on an adjacent side, while he live in the corner, and with a group cutting me apart. Later, I tried to reduce his framework instead of thoroughly invading. Basically, I got wasted, by 25 points.
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